Beaconsfield, Victoria

Beaconsfield Fitness Centre

Case Study

Beaconsfield fitness centre

Located in Beaconsfield, Melbourne, this fitness centre is fitted out with the latest and best in Reeplex's range of commercial pin and plate-loaded machines accompanied by a free-standing commercial squat rig, a 5 station jungle gym, and a wide range of free weights and accessories to complete the fit-out.

Contact Us FOR A QUOTE

Commercial Leg Extension Machine Reeplex
Reeplex Commercial Leg Extension
Sale price$2,900.00
Commercial Leg Curl / Hamstring Curl Machine
Reeplex Commercial Leg Curl Machine
Sale price$3,550.00
Pec Fly and Rear Delt Reeplex Commercial Gym Equipment
Reeplex Commercial Pec Fly / Rear Delt
Sale price$3,100.00